The introduction of technology in El Salvador denoted the beginning of a new era in the history of this nation. In the late 1800´s and early 1900´s, people saw how a window of opportunities would come for them to stop suffering the aftereffects of leaving in a developing country. Even though every single effort made by governments, entrepreneurs, and limited company left remarkable events, the use of the first technological devices caused big and important changes spread throughout the capital and its departments, and eventually for the rest of Central America just as the ANTEL Company was created by doing the first demonstrations with telephone numbers and e-mail accounts. In fact, the use of technology in El Salvador was and will continue to be important but knowing it carried pros and cons that are in force until the date.

Primarily, the use of technology leads people to be connected in the labor market. To illustrate, regarding technological innovation, the creation of digital platforms on a large scale is considerably the source of employments due to the rising demand of personnel for operating matrices and supporting maintenance not only for giving an excellent service but also for providing users protected areas in which beings could interact in better conditions. Moreover, the technology also permits the introduction of a new way of philosophical change where people are able to have a better perception of social life combined with technology. To put it another way, dozens of apps are presented for them to be inform with different kind of updated news, or to be in contact with relatives on long distances; that is to say, Gmail, Facebook, YouTube  and as a result, people have made of technology part of their daily lives.

Subsequently, the use of technology has increased the risk of being extorted. For instance, now that the country is in a period of technology boom, the use of some traditional platforms has permitted the theft of bank accounts and personal properties ended in fatal scenes like prison or death. Furthermore, this period is provoking an enormous risk for security forces because the boarders are opened, and more crimes are committed thanks to the creation of public sites in which information are sent through the entire world. In other words, human trafficking increases because the profile and information people post without knowing the intention of their contacts.

Thirdly, the internet growth hurts and helps the deep poverty, but affects societies. For example, people who live in remotes places and that do not have access to the education and health services, are supported with the construction of schools and equipped with technological tools where they are taught and later on, great web designers and programmers result from those places.  That is why; some of them find a good position in businesses and as a result, they supported economically their families. On the other hand, more young people in vulnerable areas suffer by pornography; and what is more, they are promised to receive higher amount of money for appearing in a videos or movies that soon are uploaded in many illegal sites. In addition, the use technology helps but destroys too.

On the whole, the use of technology offers an important gate for people to create amazing things and improve their lives. Above and beyond that, the implementation of internet in El Salvador is leading vital contributions for the forth coming decades, but apart from that, people must be conscious and responsible after knowing the pros and cons of using technology can cause in every single person.

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