
Technology is showing us how to make life easier. Now, it is time to know about this amazing tool called «LinkedIn». This tool is considered as the world’s largest professional network on the internet. Why? because LinkedIn can be used to find the right job or internship, connect and strengthen professional relationships and moreover, to learn the skills you need to succeed in your career or position.

First of all, once you create a LinkedIn account or profile, it will allow you to share your professional background online, such as your work experience, education, skills, and recommendations. Having said that, it is amazing platform in which you interact with each other so that you can be contacted just for creating a relationship or working. This is what LinkedIn providesto users; however, it is really important having a notion about pros and cons of it. Lets check it now.

  • To create an account is really simple and can be easily just using a google account.
  • Acoording to your interests, you are notifed with some important porfiles or pages.
  • You can meet people you would never have otherwise met.
  • You can get knowledge or time to learn from lots of people in my industry and beyond.
  • Your account can grow on networking because of people who you can help and who can help you.
  • Having the opportunity to develop your professional reputation based on the content you share and engage on.
  • You regularly uncover business opportunities.
  • It takes time to use in order to post, share, or find information.
  • It changes regularly so you have to stay aware of the changes.
  • You have to manage your reputation by managing your conversations.
  • Everything you do on LinkedIn must be public, therefore you can not be a private person for the most part.

To sum up, linkedIn is similar to Facebook, but it is more academic regarding training and business. So, it can be really funny and important to know not only what it is but also how it work. That is why, you are invited to do so. The links are provided below:

Publicado por 2015dm103

I am a human being that truly believe in the limiting factors the body has, but I strongly trust in the power the brain contains.

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