Go Conqr

GoConqr is a tool that leads both educadors and students work on different ways. For example, GoConquer offers not only an area in which someone can work but also other areas in the same tool without more effort. knowing that real learning should be immersive, and believing that with the right tools everyone can create great learning content. Also, believe that learners can achieve more by working together than they can alone. That is why, GoConqr is a social learning platform that combines the benefits of powerful learning tools with the support of an active community

First, GoConquer can put on your hands an amzing way to create «mind maps», so you can include there whatever you want to write in order to express any information or topic. An advantage that it offers is that there is no a maximun of information that can be posted.

Secondly, this tool lets to organize information on slides which can be a good option for presenting a topic during a meeting, conference, or class. It is too easy to work on it and the templates are considered professionals for avoiding problems in case rigid rules are required.

Also, this app is a site in which educators really like upload short quizzes for students to develop them just using any kind of technological devices like cellphones or computers. They can interact and measure students´ knowledge without seeing or receiving something physically.


  • «Very important for teachers to be confident with the controls before introducing pupils to it.»
  • «Goconqr has been the great equaliser and has helped not only my top students but those students who are from mt lower ability classes.»
  • «The biggest improvement however cam from my lower ability classes who used the Goconqr site and the flashcards to help them use their time more wisely and their marks improved accordingly.»
  • «I would love a way in a group to better organize conversations. Most active discussions listed first.»


  • «Difficult to view images with detailed content. Inability to put in equations.»
  • «I was able to make him read in this summer. The only problem I faced was while using the mind mapping which usually was hanging and I was not able to complete my projects.»
  • «Inability to move nodes/images to front or back. Inability to create independent nodes.»
  • «It’s hard to complain too much, but some of the tools such as the flow-chart maker aren’t quite as polished as other offerings.»

As it was previously stated, GoConquer is a tool that permits the creation of flahcards. Most people use it because of the ease of use, and does not take lot of time for producing the product someone wants. If you work with children, Go Conquer would be your friend.

Moreover, here is provided an example of how a mind map looks like https://www.goconqr.com/es-ES/mindmap/20821004/TICS-AND-ITS-IMPORTANCE

Finally, it is your turn to explore this tool and create what you want. Remember that everysingle element it asks has to be filled up and then, you are ready for https://www.goconqr.com/

Publicado por 2015dm103

I am a human being that truly believe in the limiting factors the body has, but I strongly trust in the power the brain contains.

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