Voicethread is a collaborative multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos, as well as people may navigate slides and leave comments in five simple ways: using voice (with a microphone telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Henceforth, many things can be done in an easy way. Moreover, this can be downloaded as an app in order to work not only in a site on computer but also in a cellphone using an app.

It can be an excellent way to interact with each other, and they can participate at the same time. Remember that time matters, and this tool allows users to work super fast in order to avoid wasting time.

What is more, this tool provides the following advantages:

. Easy to create an account.

. Let users to work and share projects super fast.

. It leads to users to speaking while showing slides, images, videos, or files.

Therefore, this tool has also desadvantages that can be pointed below.

. You can create just four or five slides.

. The site can be stopped while working on that.

As was previously stated, voicethread is one of the most relevant tool for both educators and students, and lets them to start projects or homeworks even whem they are not holding a class together because everyone can work when stimating convenient.

To show you how projects look like, you are invited to navigate in this example jusk by clicking this link https://voicethread.com/share/13819789/

And now you went through it, you must check this app by yourself so that create your own account and project, so the link is here https://voicethread.com/

1. Register
2. Fill up all the spaces
3. Choose what you want

4. Upload image, video, audio, voice record, or jus a comment.

Publicado por 2015dm103

I am a human being that truly believe in the limiting factors the body has, but I strongly trust in the power the brain contains.

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